Festspielareal Beelitz
Beelitz, Brandenburg, Germany
The aim of the design is to connect the festival area with the neighboring Nieplitzpark to the north and the historic town centre of Beelitz. For this purpose, the festival area will be divided into two areas: The “Stage” as an action space that opens up to the Beelitz town centre and the Nieplitzpark, and the “Backstage” as a retreat space with species-rich vegetation.
The Stage, with its stage and grandstand, creates the center of the new festival area in Beelitz. The audience gathers on a gently rising grassy slope with recessed seating steps, from which the view wanders to the stage and the backdrop of the Beelitz town center and Nieplitz Park behind it. With this beautiful view, the grassy slope and the adjoining “balcony” become an attractive, identity-giving “open space highlight” for Beelitz even outside festival times.
The backstage builds the southern and eastern frame for the open activity space of the Stage. It provides a shady, wooded refuge. It begins in the west at the Nieplitz, where in the area of the new bridge the bank profile is flattened and planted with wetland herbaceous vegetation and reeds to enhance the FFH area. The existing woody vegetation north of Langer Wiesenweg will be preserved as far as possible and will merge to the east into the newly arranged “Baumgarten”, which forms the boundary between the festival area and the new sewage treatment plant.
Beelitz, Brandenburg, Germany
Stadt Beelitz
completed, 2019
31,632 m²
2. prize
Open realization competition